Gifted products
Products followed by an * indicate that the item is a gifted item. When featuring a gifted product, all views and opinions are entirely my own and have not been influenced in anyway. You'll also see (*ad/gifted) at the footer of any post that contains a gifted item.
Affiliate links
Occasionally some product links might be affiliated with Skimlinks, meaning I earn a small amount of commission if a reader kindly purchases something through that link. It does not affect your purchases in anyway. For more information on this please click the 'Skimlinks' icon at the bottom of the page.
Discount codes
Brands sometimes provide a discount code for me to share with readers, this isn't affiliated in anyway and I don't earn commission from it, it's just for my readers to use if they wish too.
All content and photography uploaded on Ophelia Rose belongs to me. If any of my content is copied, mimicked or taken in anyway this is considered copyright infringement and will be reported.